Probably, you're considering to deploy or looking for an wifi tracking analytics solution as an alternative to Seeketing technology, so we think it's important to let you know in detail the technological differences between Seeketing and other solutions, including Cisco Meraki, Retency, Aruba networks, and many many others which are based on the identification of MAC addresses that the phones emit (assuming their public declarations, API documentation or real testing performed).
The Seeketing technology is different from these other solutions because Seeketing does not use MAC Address to uniquely identify the users' phones, since the percentage of phones that emit their real MAC is very low . What happens in practice when a phone is not connected to a Wi-Fi network is that it never emits the same MAC address, but instead emits random MAC addresses (fake address). This effect is known as MACs randomization (there is a lot of documentation on this effect on the internet), and consequently, it prevents accuracy when determining how many real phones and how long they are in a certain area.
The amount of real MAC addresses is about 2% of total visitors, so data is not representative of visitors of the mall. Sometimes other providers are using small samples and then perform a big extrapolation process. So you are not comparing two identical technologies. This problem is already suffered by many customers in malls and retail environments who invested in solutions based on MAC detection and discovered that the analytics gathered did not correspond to reality. We are aware of this issue in several countries, and some of these companies who suffered this now are working with us. Because you must take into account that the providers of solutions based on MACs usually hide this fact.
What Seeketing can guarantee is that at technological level there are no other technologies that can replace us, and this is why we are explaining to all our clients and partners the comparison of our technology with those based only on detecting Wi-Fi MACs to identiy phones. This way, you will not have to make the mistake of thinking that the data based on these technologies are massive and valid, and you will not have to wait a year to have a comparison that allows you to confirm that you are obtaining incorrect data.
For this reason, we are sharing here our lab tests where we compare a Seeketing Node against MAC-based technologies to detect phones in a well-defined environment.
These have been the results obtained:
4 phones in an anechoic chamber 2 Iphone + 2 android |
Systems based MAC WIFI / MAC Bluetooth |
4 phones in standby mode Real presence time 1h Real presence time 4h |
Visitors / Presence time 28 visitors / 9 min 116 visitors / 2 min |
Visitors / Presence time 4 visitors / 57 min 4 visitors / 56 min |
Error over real data in several real environments |
Higher than 700% |
Lower than 5% |
Finally, we are fortunate to keep our clients for more than 6 years uninterruptedly, and we believe in the value of making lasting alliances. That is why we are sure that we can reach an agreement with the premise of a long-term alliance, and in this way to lower the costs to the level that is convenient for you and still profitable for us. And above all, we can be able to collaborate in helping you with other high-value Seeketing technologies (Omnichannel solution, Optical sensors for store counting, Proximity Marketing by sending messages to phones with or without APP, traffic measurement of digital campaigns, integration with your CRM, WIFI, APP, POS, etc.).