Phygital ROI simulator

Written by Seeketing.

Is it possible to achieve the sales targets set for 2023?

To achieve this, you will have to do things differently. Without a doubt, dedicating a few weeks to the definition of the strategy, and with the help of the appropriate technology, it is possible to increase your sales for the last 6 months of the year.

The ingredients are the same as those used by Amazon:

·         Segmentation and customer knowledge

·         Remarketing

·         Recommendations by user

·         mobile technology

·         Personalization


But we must apply these phygital strategies where we can really beat Amazon, which is in the physical world. Seeketing is the only massive phygital technology that allows to work as the greats do in the digital world, but in our physical spaces.

In short, it is about optimizing, and this requires using only those tools that are auditable in ROI, those providing measurable results and offering added value in the future.


“What is not defined, cannot be measured.

What is not measured cannot be improved.

What is not improved always degrades. ”

William Thomson Kelvin (Lord Kelvin) British Physicist and Mathematician.

Seeketing has shown that it is possible to do physical remarketing, sending proximity messages massively depending on the interests of the user, and who we know about their physical behavior (in store, when they pass near the store, etc.) and digital (emailing, web, ecommerce, landing, social networks, surveys, etc.)

Seeketing has shown that it is the only massive and legal tool to execute and measure the behavior of all users who receive an email/SMS or see a landing/web/ecommerce, and finally visit the store, and of them how many and who buy.

Seeketing technology allows us to deliver our Campaign / message to the user's phone when the user walk in front of the store, adapting it to their interests and behavior (we know if the user is interested in each message, if he enters the store and finally buys in each campaign,  gender, date of birth, previous purchases made, etc ... that is already available in a standard CRM).

In other words, Seeketing can work integrated with a CRM to provide hyper-personalization, user geolocation, and mass proximity marketing.

You can download:

1. Presentation of the solution (PDF)

2. Simulator to calculate additional sales based on your business parameters (XLS) 



You can download:

1. Solution presentation (.PDF)

2. Simulator to calculate new sales for your business (.XLSX)