Phygital Analytics
Physical analytics© is a instore analytics robust system designed to know customer offline behavior at any location or interest position. The systems uses Seeketing nodes to detect mobile devices and their behavior at physical zones.
Physical Analytics can be used along with the PHYGITAL STORE, PHYGITAL and MALL PHYGITAL CITY modules for digital (online and mobile) behavior analysis, offering a complete and personalized cross-media (retail+online+mobile) communication system.

Key features
Metrics on all locations, including unique visitors, sales opportunities, new vs. recurrent, dwell time, traffic flows between zones, etc
Profiles segmentation
By correlating visit behavior, in-store engagement, repeat visits, and cross-shopping to purchases, Seeketing enables informed categorization of customer segments.
Conversion funnels
Visibility in conversions from passerby to visitors to shoppers.
Zone Maps and flows
Graphic maps of all locations to detect best sales areas.
Comparison of shopping patterns between locations.
Regional competition
Analytics on volume and visitors's behavior shared with other commercial areas within the same region.
Metrics on performance between portfolio locations over time to identify macro trends.
We can measure the number of participants at an event and the event’s impact on visitor loyalty.
Corners and displays
Measuring the impact of ‘corners’ or digital content displays and their effectiveness in redirecting traffic from certain areas to others (content effectiveness).

Questions for which Physical Analytics offers answers include:
- Which conference hall exit was used by most attendees at the conference?
- How many attendees have come to each conference at the congress?
- Are there any free places in a certain hall at present?
- Can my clients learn the current state of queuing in each office before leaving home?
- How many people who pass in front of the window display come in my store?
- What has been he increase in new visitors since modifying my store's window display?
- How many of today's clients also came last weekend?
- How many of the clients now in my office have previously visited other offices of my business?