(c) Seeketing 2019  contact@seeketing.com

Transforming Local Commerce in Santa Marta de Tormes with PHYGITAL Technologies

Written by Seeketing.

In an effort to revitalise and modernise the commercial sector, Santa Marta de Tormes has launched the innovative Be SMart project. This initiative, part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, seeks to transform local commerce through digitalisation, sustainability and increased awareness of CO2 emissions. 

Turismo Santa Marta de Tormes | A 10 minutos de Salamanca

The Be SMart project focuses on several main objectives:


1. Regaining consumer confidence: Improving the shopping experience and offering more personalised services.

2. Promoting Digital Culture: Encouraging the use of advanced technologies in local businesses, enabling closer collaboration between entrepreneurs and customers, and promoting a more digital and sustainable economy.

3. Opening up to new distribution channels: Facilitating entry to digital platforms and online marketplaces, extending their reach and potential clientele.

4. Raising public awareness of CO2 emissions by creating communication channels and disseminating information.

5. Managing parking availability, a drawback that affects commerce due to limited availability.

Diagnosis and Proposed Solutions

The project began with an exhaustive diagnosis carried out by the company Seeketing, of the current state of commerce in Santa Marta de Tormes. This analysis was carried out through several meetings with local agents and the review of the technological situation in the main shopping streets of the municipality, such as Avenida de Madrid and Naharros Road.

The diagnosis carried out in Santa Marta de Tormes covers several crucial aspects for the effective implementation of technological solutions:


1. Connectivity and Energy:

   - Avenida de Madrid and Ctra. Naharros : Identified as the main commercial areas, they present a good infrastructure for the installation of technological devices and for the digital transition.

2. Technological Status of Shops:

   - Most of the shops lack advanced tools for the analysis of customer behaviour. We propose the implementation of technologies that allow retailers to obtain accurate data on customer traffic, facilitating the creation of personalised and effective marketing campaigns. 

To this end, Seeketing has recommended the use of marketing mix tools and the creation of a loyalty programme that allows for the knowledge of the behaviour and interests of the potential customer in order to adapt the business to the needs of its consumers in a much more personal way.

3. Connectivity and Training Capacity:

   - In addition to installing technological devices, it is essential to provide adequate training to entrepreneurs and employees to maximise the use of these tools and improve interaction with customers. A basic level of technological culture and digitalisation has been detected, so in order to meet the objectives, it is also necessary to train the agents involved in the digital culture.

PHYGITAL technologies for the transformation of local commerce: 


The diagnosis carried out in Santa Marta has made it possible to see which technologies will enable the necessary change to boost trade. Seeketing recommends the implementation of Phygital-based technologies (person-to-person linking of physical and digital activity), the knowledge of which will allow awareness of the environment, but also the promotion of commercial areas to generate visits and create loyalty that ensures the return of consumers and creates a solid relationship of trust.

In relation to the Improvement of the Customer Experience: it is mainly necessary to be able to know the influx, how many people visit the municipality, the frequency of visits, whether it is at weekends or during the week, the key hours and, of course, how they move once they arrive in the municipality. With this information, it will be possible to manage the issue of parking (a major problem in the municipality that negatively affects trade) and availability, but also the possibility of creating a relationship of loyalty with all these people. This loyalty relationship will serve to raise people's awareness of sustainability issues and also of better management of the different resources available in the territory. To this end, the mobile detector nodes will make it possible to obtain the necessary information to carry out the different actions proposed.

 The big data generated by this technology will enable actions to be taken not only in the areas of commerce and tourism, but also in mobility, security, more sustainable management in terms of the occupation of car parks and parking areas and raising awareness among the different sectors involved and people about climate change.

On the other hand, the digitalisation of local commerce will open up new business opportunities and attract more customers, boosting the economy of Santa Marta de Tormes. The use of the loyalty programme compared to others such as Marketplace is much more effective and the conversion rate can be measured and see how many of the marketing actions carried out are actually valid and result in sales. This will translate into positive economic growth for the municipality.


The Be SMart Project: A Step into the Future

Una caricatura de una personaDescripción generada automáticamente con confianza mediaThe Be SMart project represents an important step towards the modernisation of local commerce in Santa Marta de Tormes. Through the integration of technological solutions and the promotion of a digital culture, this project aims not only to revitalise the local economy, but also to foster sustainability and social cohesion. The collaboration between the different agents and the awareness of the population will be essential for the success of this initiative, positioning Santa Marta de Tormes as a benchmark for innovation and sustainability in the commercial sphere.

Digital Promotion of Shopping Tourism in Benidorm: PHYGITAL Project

Written by Seeketing.

The PHYGITAL Project is an innovative initiative aimed at revitalising and digitalising shopping tourism in Benidorm's shopping areas. This project uses proximity technology to send messages via WhatsApp to registered users, informing them about promotions and events in real time when they are near the establishments. The implementation of this system allows local businesses to carry out digital marketing campaigns at no additional cost, simply by installing signs with QR codes that users can scan to register.

Our nodes are able to send messages to registered users when they are within range. This proximity marketing strategy allows businesses to attract the attention of potential customers at the right time, avoiding message saturation and respecting users' preferences and behaviours.


Project phases


In the Initial Phase, incentives for registration include exclusive discounts offered by local establishments to registered users, cultural and sporting incentives such as free tickets to events in Benidorm, prize draws and competitions organised by local businesses with prizes for registered users and free parking or discounts in car parks to encourage registration.


In the Advanced Phase, offers, promotions and relevant information will be communicated to all those businesses that wish to participate, always respecting the restrictions mentioned above. Exclusive promotions may include discounts and special offers, information on local events and activities, news and product or service launches, and details of opening hours and services available.


We have carried out several raffles to encourage user participation. With the help of ABRECA, we have raffled dinners for two people valued at €50 at the Pinocchio restaurant and at Taberna Andaluza. Soon, with the support of AICO, we will raffle two electric bicycles, thus expanding the opportunities for more users to benefit from our project and actively participate in the platform.


This project has the support of Benidorm's main trade and service associations: AICO (Independent Association of Traders), ABRECA (Association of Bars, Restaurants and Cafeterias), AVIBE (Association of Benidorm Travel Agencies) and Visit Benidorm. These associations play a crucial role in the implementation and dissemination of the project, ensuring that the benefits of proximity marketing are extended to all sectors of local commerce and services.


Discover the areas of action on the map below:



This project promises to be a breakthrough in the digitisation of shopping tourism in Benidorm, benefiting both local businesses and visitors to the town.


If you're in Benidorm, register and don't miss anything!


Shopping concept with bags, Background, Vector illustration eps.10 ...

Seeketing implements an Intelligent Tourist Information Signposting System in the Matarraña Region

Written by Seeketing.

In the second half of 2023, Seeketing implemented its Phigital technology in the Matarraña Region, Teruel, with the aim of establishing a DTI tool that would allow two clear objectives to be met:

  • Establish a common Tourist Information Signposting System in the whole region integrated with a tourist web/app as a smart tourist destination in the Matarraña/Matarranya Region where all the available information is available. 
  • Establish an observatory of tourism data obtained through the Seeketing Nodes, which allows the analysis and study of the real flows of residents, tourists and excursionists in the 18 municipalities of the Matarraña region. 

This system aims to encourage flows of tourists and residents in the territory, increase overnight stays, promote the protection of the heritage and tourism potential of the region, as well as improve competitiveness through data analysis under the umbrella of Big Data.

In order to implement the Intelligent Tourist Signage System, a multimedia content creation campaign was carried out, which involved taking high quality photographs of 198 points of tourist interest divided between the 18 municipalities that make up the Matarraña Region. In addition, 19 videos were made to present the municipalities and the region, as well as 3D tours of the most emblematic monuments and 360º visits of the 18 municipalities.

The design, printing and installation of 216 signage elements was also carried out, within which we can differentiate between 18 totems presenting the municipalities and 198 signage signs for the different points of interest. All of them have beacons that connect to the APP and QR codes that connect to the tourist information website.

This multi-language web/APP provides presentation information on the whole Matarraña region and the 198 points of interest. In this web/app, in addition to all the available information, we will find the multimedia content developed for the project, as well as interactive maps where we will find geolocated the different points of interest, and direct links to get to them through Google Maps.


Discover for yourself the content of the Web-app of the Intelligent Tourist Information Signposting System in the Matarraña Region by clicking on the following link:  https://app.matarranyaturismo.es/ 

In order to carry out the tourism data observatory, Seeketing nodes have been installed in each of the 18 municipalities that make up the Matarraña region, these being:

  • Arens de Lledó / Arenys de Lledó
  • Beceite / Beseit
  • Calaceite / Calaceit
  • Cretas /  Queretes
  • Fórnoles / Fórnols
  • Fuentespalda  / Fondespatla
  • Lledó
  • La Portellada
  • La Fresneda / La Freixneda
  • Mazaleón / Massalió
  • Monroyo / Mont-roig
  • Peñarroya de Tastavins / Pena-roja de Tastavins
  • Ráfales / Ràfels
  • Torre de Arcas / Torredarques
  • Torre del Compte / La Torre del Compte
  • Valderrobres
  • Valjunquera / Valljunquera
  • Valdeltormo / La Vall del Tormo

A Dashboard has been created in which the analysed tourism data is presented, allowing us to know the number and behaviour of people visiting the main points of reception of visitors.

It provides data on:

  • How many people have travelled through the different municipalities.
  • Influences by days and hours. Peak and off-peak hours.
  • Flows between points of tourist interest.
  • How many people have downloaded and used the APP and the website.
  • How many people who have registered at a point of interest have also used the web and the APP(tourist to tourist phygital analysis).

This installation in the Matarraña Region is a first prototype for the implementation of the tool, which promises to be extended in the coming years by installing a greater number of nodes, so as to increase the data study areas.


Seeketing is a R&D company dedicated to provide phygital tools and services (smart-cities, retail, mobility, security, events, ...). We provide innovative technologies to know visitor flows within locations and point of interest, both indoor and outdoor, in public and private spaces using our SDK and Hardware Nodes.



Edificio Giraldo I

C/ Alberca 5, Planta 1, Oficina 24
Boadilla del Monte - Madrid
28660 SPAIN 
contact (@) seeketing.com 

+34 916 321 323

+34 676 482 952

+34 670 463 223



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